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YFriday, July 10, 2009' 8:25 PM

Hello :D
Just wanna post that i've open a new blog
Will be updating there more often.

If you don't wanna link these blog then nvm la ^^
Do remeber to link my new one :D





Timing: 11:27 AM

YTuesday, July 7, 2009' 10:00 PM

Today is me and laogong the 1st year anniversary o ^^
Was happy ^^
After school, laogong and me sit taxi go back my house.
I bathed finish then we go secret recipe.
Very nice o the food there ^^

Adter eat everything we go back my house
on9 + camwhore + talk lo
Around 4 somthing laogong go back le TT
I so miss him leh
Somemore he tomorrow no go school TT

He back home le
I do homework lo
Suddenly wei quan call me.
He ask me go down yam cha.
I quickly changed then go join them lo

Stupid xian xi keep making me =_="
We talk some interesting things.
So funny la xP

After awhile,
kaii shenq, guang yi and one of his friend come join us.
Wei quan they all back jor.
Only left me and kaii shenq lo.
We chatted.
He tell me all his 煩惱...
I help him settle xD

Around 8++
He back home then I back home lo.

Well im sleepy =_="


Oh ya!

Forget to wish~

Laogong~ Happy 1 year anniversary o ^^

Laopo~ forever love you ^^

YMonday, July 6, 2009' 1:25 AM

Well upload the pictures :D
Was not exactly okay but is also
satisfying. *Just get on with it, suzanah!* LOL
Anyhoo, today was quite boring at school.
Nothing much going on but me and my friends P sivik period.

Is not exactly call P We late go in class then the new
sivik teacher looks kinda . . . . . scary.
We don't dare go in class so me, beanna, xian xi and guang yi P.
We walked around the school; sat down some icky store room
etc etc. . . .

We need to wait almost 3 period over only can go back class.
Cause we having sivik for 3 periods.
The 3rd period we wentto 2H to sit cause they went to Science Lab.
Suddenly G.Y. saw Encik ikhwan our so called discipline teacher.
We quickly sit on the floor so he wouldn't see us.
When the bell rang, we quickly walked back in our class.
Luckily teacher didn't see us but i think she knew about it.

Had BM lesson.
Did some homework. Felt tired and slept awhile.
Bell rang~!!!!
Laogong came and we go up together.
Suddenly at the busstop i cried.
He is not honest with me and i felt that he is lying to me

Will we be together 4ever?

Can i trust him?

Is he still lying to me?

I don't know and i don't want to know.

Timing is : 05.37PM

Ruby playing House of Dead 4

YSunday, July 5, 2009' 5:42 AM

Just back from Sunway with Ruby.
Called her yesterday and asked her today where
she is going.
She's going Sunway so I asked can I go too?
Cause I wanna go shopping xD
Woke up around 9am++
Brush teeth all those and then on9 awhile.
Around 11am quickly bath, change clothes....
Ruby called me up and her dad fetched us go.

Reached Sunway around 12pm++
Straight to the cinema.
But. . . . . . got many people =_="
So can't watch then I was hungry and told Ruby to
teman me eat.

Went and ate pancake at Pancake House.
Quite okay la.
I ate chocolate pancake
Ruby order some kind of steak.
Mine was . . . . . okok la hehe~
Paid the bill already then teman her go play

After she played finish.
She teman me S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G!
Bought quite some clothes xDDD
Walked over to ASIAN AVENUE.
1 dress free t shirt; 2 shirt; 1 skirt; 1 short pants; 4 ear rings
and 1 necklace.
Brought Rm200++, in the end left back Rm20++
So cham la me xDDD
Spend like that~
After shopped everything, teman Ruby go play
HOUSE OF DEAD 4 again xP
She mmg love to play la lols
I was bored to death somemore ngam ngam feel like
going toilet, so I went to the toilet + camwhore xDDD

When ruby played finish, her dad came.
Was happy to buy banyak banyak things xP
But also sam tong la TT
Well pictures would b upload tomorrow cause im
tired and wanna sleep early xP
``Countdown 2 more days``

YSaturday, July 4, 2009' 10:47 PM

Im back here to update this dead blog xP
Been busy lately and no laptop,
but finally i have my own laptop ^^
0kay~ I shall continue :D

Take report card.
Sad case cause failed quite some subject ~.~
Teacher told my mom that i talk non-stop in class.
Swt =_="

Sign everything d then teman mom go Bandaraya
pay bills~
Go near C4 area geh, didn't open.
Then mom drove to Kuchai Lama.
Finally got open, pay jor then go back office pick
dad go eat lunch ^^

Eat jor lunch~
Go back parent's office on9 awhile.
Mom told me that need go Tesco buy laptop.
Go go go~ ^^

Reach jor then go computer shop lo.
Choose my 'future laptop' xD
Told the person then he say want download some
things so me and mom go in Tesco buy things~

Buy jor then go take my laptop.
Mom pay d then go buy the broadband thingy~
Saw got P1 thingy stall then go register.
Go back office fetch dad go eat dinner.

After that go home luuu~
on9 xDDD
Yesterday slept 3am++
Pictures =D

Ignore the http://wretch.cc/blog/xiaosuzie520 thingy~

Today is just like normal day. Quite sien only xD on9 whole day Zzzz~ Went take IC pic cause need make card O_O Super ugly man! I also don't dare to look at myself~ TT

Well, nothing much to say already. Just to infom you guys im fine and would be blogging everyday ;)







``Countdown in 3 more days``

YSaturday, June 13, 2009' 3:54 PM


1. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
``normal la :D

2. Would you consider yourself as a well-being person?
``i guess so? lols

3. Have you ever visited an orphanage or an old folk's?

4. Have you ever had a best friend who is trustworthy?
``erm i thk so

5. Do you want someone to be dead?
``no no.

6. Do you love to go to school?
``on my mood la (:

7. Who was the last person who texted you?
``my kor

8. Do you want any food to eat right now?
``yea! HUNGRY!

9. What are you doing right now?

10. What are you thinking right now?
``finish this tag

11. List 15 lucky people whom you tag:
1) Jovynn
2) xiia xiia
3) celine
4) jeanne
5) karmen
6) amy yeoh
7) kok yin
8) beanna
9) yu chen
10) audrey
11) xin yee
12) rachel ng
13) wee chien
14) rumi
15) sin yee

12. Is no.10 is your close friend?
[audrey] quite so la :D

13. Does no.3 know no.4?
[celine] & [jeanne] ofcourse :D

14. Is no.13 single?
[wee chien] nope

15. Does no.6 love studying?
[amy yeoh] nope xD

16. Is no.1 a genius?
[jovynn] yes!

17. When was the last time you chatted with no.11?
[xin yee] forgot xP

18. Say no.5's characteristic.
[karmen] crazy ; funny ; loving ; caring etc xD

19. What will you do if no.14 and no.15 fight?
[rumi] & [sin yee] lols they don't know each other (:

20. Do you like being friends with no.2 and no.12?
[xiia xiia] & [rachel ng] ofcourse i like :)

21. Does no.7 have siblings?
[kok yin] yes.

22. Does no.8 and no.9 love music?
[beanna] & [yu chen] yes they do :D

Hello :D im back and i've just finished this tag.
So im done! No tags people xD
Holiday is going to over soon D:
Still got one more day and school starts.
Haiz so fast la.
2 weeks of holidays just flew by real fast.

Shall share my holiday plans with you guys!
Some of you all message me to updates xD
shall update it long la :D Happy?

The first week i've worked!
with laogong worked lo.
Quite fun and tired Zzzzz~
I thought i can go to China but no~
Cause my sis lost me and her passport in her bag @@
So is a no haiz~
So back to business!

On the last day and is our anniversary day,
laogong broke up with me ==
I thought it was just a prank or what but is a no.
I was so emotional and cried like my parents died

He said he don't love me anymore
I was like O_O and i told my parents that my primary
friend passed away that is so not true.

I was moody the whole day.
For awhile im fine for awhile cried cause suddenly
thought a lot of memories Haiz
I walked to a place where last few days i and laogong
were alone.
Outside was raining and i looked outside.
Suddenly laogong from behing hugged me and i cried
even worst. I know im a baby D: lols

Actually ade banyak but don't feel like talking about it.
Then the next day my eyes were like swallon O_O
You see me also you feel like laughing xP
I woke up at 6am that day.
Sms-ed him and asked him can i call?
Few mins later he sms-ed back and said call me.
I called him and i begged him.
In the end, he cannot tahan and he laugh?
I was like "wtf is he laughing about?"
He told me the truth, he played me @@
WTF! I was like "am i dreaming?" and i pinched myself.

Me and laogongare back.
But 11th month anniversary is a sad memory for me.
Cause he played false break up ==
Well from that day he said that, i felt less trust laogong
but slowly i trusted him.

Oh ya!
Went outting two days with Rumi and Celine.
Was fun ^^
1st day is went carrefour roller.
So pain la my leg got blister ==
Hope can go next time again :D

The next day we went TS.
Rumi's mom took us there.
Met Beanna there.
Was fun ^^
I nearly cried when miley sang the song xD
Upload on friendster but lazy upload here keke~

Yesterday laogong came.
Was scare happy to see him ^^
Erm was kinda awkward to see laogong
But also happy la ^^

Now updating this blog d la :D
Happy xD
Well this few weeks will less update cause house
no connection. So would come to my mom's office
update :D

School starting D:

die die die

♥ you.

YSunday, May 24, 2009' 7:00 PM

Im back ;D keke~
Well just came back from SW n TS with laogong
Was fun too ^^

Woke up 6.30am to get ready everything.
Parents woke at around 7am and we off to church.
Reached there and worship, sing etc etc.
Had breakfast at there too!

Around 11am++ told my parents to dropped me at bj lrt.
They dropped be there d then met with laogong and
bought our ticket and off to SW n TS :DDD
Talked in the train keke~ miss him

Reached Hang Tuah d.
Suddenly got this fellow stopped us and tell us things ==
WTF la. He said it will be 1 minute but end up around 10 min ==
He told us is not donating money, but he told us to buy thing ==
Isn't it also donating FUCK FUCK FUCK!
Suddenly this woman came and said

WTF la == okay! I know some of you don't understand what it means.
Let me explain.
"You two couple ar?
Don't look like wan...
Look like husband n wife"

SWT~!!!!!!! I was like act smile there =_="
Then she said another again.
OMG la =_="
explain xD
"She very cute leh~
Looks like those japan doll"

SWT anot?! I also was act smile ==
Don't care lo. Laogong keep on saying that also consider
giving money ==

Then we 'cabut' n off to SW!
First we go EP [Echo Park] laogong favourite place la xD
Go and buy his cap wor~ RM70 @@ LOL
Then we go 'hang gai' ^^
Go 6th floor walk lo.
Not many people o~ O_O Weird de?! Usually many people geh.
Buy jor 1 shorts. Nice o ^^

After that we go TS.
Also not many people lo~
Went eat at MC. Cheese burger yummy ^^
Then suddenly I want go buy those specticacle without lense de.
Can't fine D: Got find la but in SW sell RM25 O_O
While walking then saw a glasses stall.
Got sell glasses~
Laogong ask got sell no lens de ma.
Seller said can take out geh.
So faster choose lo ^^ Laogong also buy 1 specs~ Nice ;D
Laogong say I look QQ xD
Next time I upload picture ba ^^
While waiting for taking lens out, laogong saw mei sin, laogong
classmate and some other BJ people. Can't see cause didn't
wear specs.

When they walked pass us, saw 'her'.
She didn't say hi or something D:
I felt quite sad lo~ Haiz nvm la~ ^^
Then go walked awhile. We went 7th floor take picture d:
I and laogong competiton take XP
After awhile want back home le~
Then go S & J find something. LUCKY! Found mirror le ^^
Bought 2 mirror ^^ So QQ`` de ^^

Go starbucks buy drink ^^ Yummy~ ^^ the chocolate don't know
call what name xP
Walked to lrt then suddenly saw the man O_O
We told them we brought a little money xP
But we bought things xDDD
Faster hide lo keke~
He saw me drinking starbucks drink and pointed at me =_="
People cannot drink ar sohai!

While on the train, laogong keep on kissing me =_="
Suddenly went reached till Tasik Selatan, saw get BJ people.
LOL while in the train, this few lalas and 1 TB was looking at
laogong They looking at his cap cause his caps de price tag
didn't take out xDDD
He said fashion wor xDDD
Then when we were sitting, those 'people' keep laughing ==
Suddenly, Cheryl and some BJ people came and sit near us.
Those 'people' sat in front of us and keep laughing and talking ==
I heard them said "old school" or something.
This girl don't want sit, her other 3 friends sit jor.
I think she was shy? Don't know what la xD

I saw one bitch taking her phone up and like showing her message
to her friend but she was taking picture ==!!!
I was so pissed la~

Hey bitch! So obvious that you are taking picture of us ==
You purposely show your message or something, i heard the
camera sound la == Dont think we are deaf la ==
I know you want to show your friends that my laogong is leng
zai == Well fuck off his mind!

Then celine came to me and we chatted :D
Was shocked when we saw them keke~
And we reached BJ~
We camwhore too keke~ Suddenly we heard sounds.
Shuffle music O_O
Got malay boys shuffle-ing.
Competition i guess? keke~ Me and laogong watched
Very geng o them ^^ I feel they all better :D

Then laogong fetched me home and im home now~
So fun today ^^
Tomorrow exam O_O FUCK FUCK FUCK!
Haiz at night gonna study~
Tomorrow got 4 subjects! arghhhhh!

I think im gonna be busy during the holidays ;D
Will less blog cause working o~ haiz~!!!!

Will be working at


Come visit me during working time la :D
I will be happy xDDD

Will update when im free ;D

♥ S.

Smk BukitJalil
3rd Jan 1995

MiiE ph0nE

Underline Bold Italic Strikeout


Trip t0 Japan/K0rea
sh0ppiinq SprEe iin ThaiiLand
wiiTh ♥Hiim♥ F0ever <3
♥Hiim♥ gets CHAMPION!
0wn R00m
sh0ppiinq SprEe
M0re m0nEy
m0rE 0uttinqs wiiTh Friiends
NeW Cl0thinq
n0t gR0w s0 tall xP
MakE up sEt
VacaTi0n Triip with ♥HiiM♥
c0uplE ShiRts :)
Ip0d T0uch
Get to meet Chin in pers0n
Chin Aut0graph
Hiim♥ d0n't friEnd that TLH
DancE Less0ns?




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